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We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

In addition to transferring calls to other agents or contacts, you can also transfer calls to a queue or IVR with the Queue Transfer option. This feature can be helpful when you want to transfer the customer to another department or team.

Let's say your team handles queries on ticket booking/cancellations. But your current active customer has queries on holiday packages. As you're from a different team and may be unsure about these questions, you can use the Queue Transfer option to easily transfer the customer to another team who can help with the customer's query. 

What happens next?

When a call is transferred to another queue or IVR, the call will be disconnected for the agent, however, the customer will still be connected, but will be automatically routed to the respective call or IVR flow. Note that you can forward the call even if no agents are available in the queue. 

How is queue transfer different from call transfers?

Queue transferCall transfer (Warm/cold)
Allows agents to transfer calls to a queue or IVR.Allows agents to transfer calls to any available agent or contact.
The call can be transferred even if no agents are available in the queue.The call can be transferred only to online/available agents.
The call will be immediately disconnected for the agent once it is forwarded to the queue or IVR.The call will be disconnected for the agent only after it is attended by any available agent.

 To forward a call to a different queue or IVR:

  1. On the conversation widget, click on the Queue transfer option.
  2. Search for the queue or IVR name to which you wish to forward the current active caller and click Forward to queue.

Your call will be routed to the selected queue. To know how to use the forward call to queue option in Freshdesk, see 

Note: The Queue Transfer option will be disabled on a conference call.